Hired by Destination Bryan
First Friday
“First Friday,” as the name implies, is held on the first Friday of every month in downtown Bryan. The Historic downtown of Bryan, Texas holds this community celebration in honoring all the locals, small business owners, and incoming visitors and temporary residents as they get to start their first week of the month in joy and community. There are musicians and street performers showing out on every corner. Vendors from farmer’s market type grocers to artisan specific sellers are popping up for the evening. Downtown businesses such as Harvest Coffee, The Village, RX Pizza, Art Galleries, etc. are open longer than usual allowing people to peruse and wonder in longer. There are concerts and musicians performing in some of the theaters as well as concert bands from Texas A&M student organizations attend to play and show off their skills. First Friday commemorates and celebrates the wonderful melting pot that is the middle-of-nowhere Bryan, TX a seeming hub of the all-around.